NASAMS: Five ways this air defence system can turn the scales against Russia in Ukraine war

NASAMS: Five ways this air defence system can turn the scales against Russia in Ukraine war

Ukraine has received authorisation from the United States to purchase a Norwegian Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS) and associated equipment worth $285 million in order to strengthen its defence capabilities against potential Russian threats.

NASAMS is a highly capable air defence system developed by Norway in collaboration with the United States. It is designed to provide effective protection against a wide range of airborne threats, including aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Key components:

1. Surveillance Radar: NASAMS employs advanced surveillance radars, such as the AN/MPQ-64F1 Sentinel, which can detect and track multiple targets simultaneously. These radars provide the system with the necessary situational awareness to identify and prioritise threats.

2. Fire Distribution Center (FDC): The FDC serves as the command and control hub of the NASAMS system. It receives data from surveillance radars and other sensors, analyses the information, and generates a comprehensive air picture. The FDC then determines the most appropriate engagement parameters and assigns targets to individual launchers.

3. Launcher: NASAMS employs highly mobile launchers, each capable of carrying multiple AMRAAM missiles. The launchers are strategically positioned to provide optimal coverage and flexibility in defending critical assets or designated areas.

4. AMRAAM Missiles: The AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles are the primary interceptors used by NASAMS. These missiles are guided by an active radar seeker, which allows them to engage targets with high accuracy and reliability. The AMRAAM missiles are known for their long-range capability, enabling NASAMS to engage threats at significant distances.

5. Link 16 Data Link: NASAMS utilises the Link 16 data link, which enables seamless communication and data sharing between different elements of the air defence system, as well as with other friendly forces. This connectivity enhances overall situational awareness and enables effective coordination of air defence operations.

NASAMS has gained international recognition for its effectiveness. It has proven its capability in various real-world scenarios and continues to undergo enhancements to stay at the forefront of air defence technology.

With inputs from agencies

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