On this day: Historical events that took place on 3 April

On this day: Historical events that took place on 3 April

Numerous historical incidents took place today, 3 April. Let’s have a look at these notable events that have played a significant role in shaping our history. Joseph Stalin took the position of secretary-general in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on 3 April 1922. Japanese army general Homma Masaharu was sentenced to death on this day in 1946. US President Harry S. Truman signed George C. Marshall’s post-World War II plan into law on this day in 1948. The Mountaintop Speech was given by American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr on 3 April 1968.The Panama Papers were made public on this day in 2016.

Let’s have a glance at the notable incidents that took place on this day in detail:

1922 – Joseph Stalin took the position of secretary-general in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Joseph Stalin took the position of secretary-general in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on 3 April 1922. This post provided Stalin with the power base for his dictatorship. He ruled the Soviet Union for over a quarter of a century and turned it into a major world power.

1946 – Japanese army general Homma Masaharu was sentenced to death

Japanese army general Homma Masaharu was executed for forcing the Bataan Death March. An estimated 10,000 Filipino and US troops died at the time of forced march.

1948 – Marshall Plan came into effect

US President Harry S. Truman signed George C. Marshall’s post-World War II plan into law on this day in 1948. Truman did this for reviving the economies of western and southern Europe and to foster democracy in the region.

1968 – Mountaintop Speech was given by American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr

American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr delivered his Mountaintop Speech during an event for the Memphis sanitation workers strike on this day in 1968. He was assassinated the next day while he was standing on the second floor balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. He had reached the city for leading a march organised by sanitation workers.

2016 – Private papers from a law firm in Panama were made available to public

Private papers from a law firm in Panama were made public on 3 April 2016. The “Panama Papers” unveiled how the firm’s wealthy clients concealed their wealth and avoided tax payments. The papers were among the biggest leaks of confidential data in history.

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