Showing the door to matadors: France MPs debate imposing ban on bullfighting

Showing the door to matadors: France MPs debate imposing ban on bullfighting

Bullfighting, which was imported from Spain in the 19th Century, continues to be popular across large parts of southern France.

For the first time in history, a proposal to ban ‘corrida’ has reached the National Assembly as public sentiment shifted in favour of animal rights. Corrida, in which the animal is usually killed by a sword by a matador donning an elegant costume, is an age-old tradition that is believed to be preserved, however, for critics, there is no place for a cruel ritual in modern society.

The government officially opposes the new bill banning bullfighting with the Élysée Palace being wary of the ban, believing it would exacerbate tensions between the city and country, and Paris and the regions. While many of President Emmanuel Macron’s party MPs are personally in favour of the bill.

According to an Ifop poll in Journal du Dimanche daily, over 75 per cent of the French population are supporting banning bullfighting. Thus, leftwing lawmaker Aymeric Caron, a former TV presenter, drew the text of the bill.

Pro-ban supporters say Bullfighting ‘sole purpose of entertainment’

Caron founded an animal rights party and went on to win a Paris seat under the Nupes banner in the parliamentary election this year. In its preamble, the veterinary committee’s report stated that ‘by causing avoidable suffering and leading to the killing of animals… for the sole purpose of entertainment, bullfighting is in no way compatible with respect for animal welfare’.

– ‘It is NOT an old tradition in France’

One of the pro-ban arguments is that bullfighting is not an old tradition in France at all, as it was only introduced in 1853 to please Emperor Napolean III’s Spanish wife Eugenie.

Defenders argue Corrida is’ an art form’

However, defenders of bullfighting, who protested in many parts of France, say that corrida is an art form rooted in local society. Thus, banning it would be to trample over tradition and threaten jobs.

– ‘Hypocrisy of society’

They also highlighted the ‘hypocrisy’ of the society of sanctioning factory farming and meat production, however, cannot digest the notion of a public death for bullfighting, reared in freedom.

The debate regarding this will take place on Thursday in the Assembly with 131 members. Since Macron’s Renaissance party and its followers don’t have a majority in parliament, the opposition- the Communist party- has a higher chance of success.

Bullfighting ban in other countries

Notably, bullfighting has been banned in several parts of Spain, including the northeast region of Catalonia, several Mexican states, and a few South American countries. However, it is still considered legal in other parts of Spain, Portugal, Columbia, Ecuador, and Bolivia.

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