Watch|Breathtaking visuals of strange cloud pattern takes internet by storm, video goes viral

Watch|Breathtaking visuals of strange cloud pattern takes internet by storm, video goes viral

Social media is filled with breathtaking visuals of nature and a recent one has taken the internet by storm. It is spectacular footage of a wave-like cloud formation in the sky that is sure to give you an impression of a tsunami rising.

Shared on Reddit, the mesmerising clip shows a strange cloud pattern moving towards a row of neat houses in a rather quiet neighbourhood. At first glance itself, the unusual cloud formation looks every bit like a wave.

“I was under the impression it was a tsunami I've never seen clouds like this before,” the caption of the post read.

Watch the mesmerising video below: 

In the video, a child can be heard in the background asking the mother repeatedly, “What is it?” While, another child can be heard expressing her excitement saying “Woah, look at that.”

According to a Daily Star report, the footage is taken in Cincinnati, Ohio and was shared on Reddit.

Ever since this video has been shared on social media, the unusual weather phenomenon has left viewers in awe while a few others who have experienced it before shared their stories in the comment section. There were several users who even found it to be terrifying, majestic and ghastly.

This breathtaking visual has garnered more than 90,000 up votes and over 2,200 comments. One user commented that he had nightmares by just looking at the video for a while. Another said that the clouds looked like a massive planetary tidal wave in the movie Interstellar.

As per the Meteorological Office, such clouds are called rolling clouds or Arcus in its official term. They are usually associated with powerful thunderstorms, heavy rain, hail showers, strong gusty winds as well as bringing thunder and lightning to the area.

What do you think about this strange cloud pattern?

Via Firstpost World Latest News

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