Watch| Giant humpback whale crashes into tourist vessel, four passengers injured

Watch| Giant humpback whale crashes into tourist vessel, four passengers injured

A terrifying incident of a huge humpback whale breaching and crushing a tourist boat in Mexico has recently quaked the internet world. Following the mishap, four persons got injured and two of them are in serious condition.

On Saturday, the incident took place in Topolobampo bay in the Gulf of California, 235 kilometres northwest of Culiacán at around 6 pm when the large mammal leapt in the air to perform one of its iconic acrobatic jumps but accidentally collapsed into the back end of the small tourist boat on its descent. As a result, the boat got almost capsized but luckily stayed afloat.

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The report says that two men and two women were enjoying the beauty of the ocean while travelling aboard a tourist vessel. Suddenly, a gigantic humpback whale leapt in the air and landed directly on the boat. The roof of the boat collapsed and the railings were mangled due to the crash.

The passengers on the vessel were injured and were rushed to a hospital in Los Mochis. While one of the women broke her leg, one of the men, a former councillor on the Ahome municipal government, suffered a serious head injury andfractured ribs.

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The coordinator of Civil Protection in Ahome, Omar Mendoza Silva blamed the boat captain for approaching too close to the animal and doubted that the whale might feel harassed by the proximity of the boat. The port authority in Topolobampo asked the boat operators to keep a prudent distance from the whales.

The mayor of Ahome, Gerardo Vargas, has also asked tourists to respect the whales and keep a safer distance. He said, “We can enjoy their beauty but at a distance, prudently.”

The area in Sinaloa is a famous place for whale-watching. Every year from mid-December to the end of March, Pacific grey, humpback and blue whales migrate here to breed.


Keywords: Humpback Whale, Mexico, Watch video, Trending, whale video, Topolobampo

Via Firstpost World Latest News

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