Researchers bring out 50-year-old UFO image, create buzz on internet

Researchers bring out 50-year-old UFO image, create buzz on internet

A 50-year-old photograph that claimed to show an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) has created a certain wave over the internet. The black and white photograph showing a saucer-like object has caught the attention of the UFO enthusiasts and gone viral on Twitter.

As per reports, the picture was taken 50 years ago on 4 September 1971 by aerial photographer and map maker Sergio Loaiza while he was flying at 10,000 feet above the jungles of Costa Rica with a 100lb camera. He was on a mission to survey land for the construction of a hydroelectric project near the Arenal Volcano.

During his survey, Loaiza captured multiple high-resolution black and white photographs of the surrounding rainforest and the lake below from an altitude of 3,000 metres at 20-second intervals with his automated camera. When he processed all the snaps, on the left side of one of the frames, an odd-looking object shiny metallic disk was seen flying between Loaiza’s Aero Commander F680 aircraft and the ground. He got surprised after noticing the disk flying over the forest at around 8:25 am. However, he was not sure about the object for the lack of detail. The claims of the UFO started eddying around after it was enhanced later by the UFO research group UAP Media.

That photograph was the property of the National Geographic of Costa Rica. According to their instruction, Loaiza was carrying out the survey to study the potential impact of the hydroelectric project on surrounding land and water.

In 2021, one of the UFO enthusiasts in Costa Rica Esteban Carranza brought out a contact copy after acquiring the original image from his uncle and presented it in the National Archives of Costa Rica. Recently, he has made the information public writing on Twitter, "There’s no reason for the image to sit on my desktop. Disclosure is a team effort and everyone should have this image."

The news grabbed the eyes of the UAP Media in the UK. They have doubted that it may be the most compelling image of an unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) to date. The UAP media wrote on their official website that various experts such as Costa Rican UFO researcher Ricardo Vílchez, Dr Richard Haines and Dr Jacques Vallee have analysed the photograph over the years. Following the research, they concluded that the object in the frame is real and is not a result of double exposure or a deliberate fabrication.

Via Firstpost World Latest News

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