Indonesia volcano: 27 still missing after volcanic eruption kills 15

Indonesia volcano: 27 still missing after volcanic eruption kills 15

Mount Semeru, the highest volcano on Indonesia’s Java island, erupted on Sunday, spewing thick columns of ash as high as 12,000 meters into the sky blanketing villages and nearby towns with tons of volcanic debris. Image Courtesy: AP
At least 15 people are dead and 27 others missing since the highest volcano on Indonesia’s Java island Mount Semeru erupted with fury on Saturday. Image Courtesy: AP
Evacuation and rescue efforts have been hampered by choking smoke, a power blackout, and rainstorms during the eruption which turned the debris into mud. AP Photo
Search and rescue efforts were temporarily suspended Sunday afternoon because of fears that heavy rain would cause more hot ash and debris to fall from the crater. Image Courtesy: AFP
An injured man receives treatment at a hospital in Lumajang district, East Java province, Indonesia. Image Courtesy: AP
Some relatives of the victims in Lumajang in East Java say they have not yet been able to collect their loved ones as some of the bodies have not yet been identified. Image Courtesy: AP
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