Guest comes to rescue after alligator bites handler during birthday party at Utah reptile park; watch video here

Guest comes to rescue after alligator bites handler during birthday party at Utah reptile park; watch video here

A shocking incident of  a birthday party at a Utah reptile park in the US turning into a horrible experience for children has gone viral. The unfortunate incident took place when an alligator bit the handler’s hand and dragged her into the enclosure while children looked on.

As the handler struggled to remove her hand from the alligator’s mouth, a brave guest came to the rescue by jumping into the enclosure and helping free her from the jaws of the reptile.

The handler has been identified as Lindsay Bull, from Scales and Tails Utah, in suburban Salt Lake City.

The video shows Bull talking to a few adults and children about the alligator. As she stood very close to the alligator’s enclosure, the reptile suddenly came forward and pulled her by the arm. The animal then rolled  violently as the Bull struggled to free herself.

However, Donnie Wiseman, a guest at the party, reacted quickly. Wiseman yelled to alert other staff and quickly jumped into the water and even climbed on top of the alligator.

The video showed children watching the scene unfold before they were escorted away by another guest. The video showed Bull keeping calm and Wiseman advising  another bystander to her out of the enclosure so that her arm could be saved.

After holding on to Bull  nearly two minutes, the alligator finally let go. Two men standing outside the enclosure could be seen pulling Bill out of the water while Wiseman continued to keep the reptile in control.

Later, the reptile park took to social media and said Bull is doing well and is in recovery. They also thanked and appreciated the men for their heroism.

Via Firstpost World Latest News

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